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Reimagining early learning...it's EasyPeasy!

My Team and I were delighted to use EasyPeasy last year and now cannot imagine life without it! Staff and children have really enjoyed playing the EasyPeasy games. It’s been a fantastic tool in supporting children's development and engaging parents. In class we particularly enjoy playing Tower Race and Stepping Stones- building on the challenge as we go. It has brought out a real competitive side in us all, which has been great in developing perseverance and resilience.

EasyPeasy events turn up the fun dial

We love running events, not only because you get to see parent/child interaction but you can’t help but get involved- the fun is amazingly infectious. The parents love attending the sessions because it gives them a snapshot into school life in a fun, non-threatening manner.

Challenge accepted!

We’ve held several successful EasyPeasy events throughout the year for children, parents and staff to challenge each other. Our parents are always super engaged and we really appreciate their dedication to their children and the school -  we’re very lucky! Each session has been well attended and the children LOVE them! As they leave, they always ask when the next one is.

We have a challenge night on Friday after school- where children can challenge a teacher to the game of the week. The children have developed some of the games and come up with their own rules, for example, whilst playing Paperball, one of the children said “My mum made me stand on one leg when I got 5 in to make it harder”. They then use this to challenge their friends- great fun.

Playing favourites

We’ve played most of the games at some point or another, but we do have our favourites! Tower Race, Cotton Hockey and Band Practice (especially when the kitchen allows us to use their huge pots and pans- it’s like a real drum kit). Stepping stones is another favourite that gets you on your feet and active. 

Peer-to-peer support

In school, our Year 1 pupils from last year have been supporting our new Reception children this year with the games, extending their learning and reinforcing those all-important Prime areas of learning – CLL, PSED and Physical. It has so many benefits. The children enjoy coming into school and telling us all about the game and how they have got on. 

Why EasyPeasy? 

The clear videos show parents and children exactly what to do, even parents who speak limited English. You don’t need fancy equipment, just items you have in the house and at school. The games can be as quick as 5 minutes which fits perfectly into a busy lifestyle but they’re so addictive, the children will want to play them again and again! The focus is on play and fun, nothing can beat that.

We know children are naturally drawn to play but as we grow into busy parents sometimes we lose that ability, but EasyPeasy shows that play and fun can happen with little or no equipment and no fuss.

Even a small bit of play and fun has a MASSIVE impact.  Nothing can beat high-quality parent/child interaction- it really is Easy Peasy!

Parent and child at Lister Infant school play stepping stones using coloured circles

What’s your EasyPeasy story?

We welcome all feedback, stories and learning moments so please reach out to Community Manager Steph to share more details — steph@easypeasyapp.com. You can also share via TwitterInstagram or join our Facebook Community page!