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May podcast episode is live! Tune in for free now

#StaffroomSteph returns to the digital sofa! 

Photo of podcast guests Jessica Mooney and Steph Coleman

With three clicks of our virtual heels, Zoom transports us to beautiful Lancashire, where we sit down with early years practitioner extraordinaire, Jessica Mooney!

More about our guest

Jess Mooney works at a school in Chorley, Lancashire, as a primary school teacher and humanities lead. Having taken part in our funded project with the SHINE Trust, Jess has become a friend of EasyPeasy. She's also a #classroomhero to so many of the parents and children within her community! Jess is passionate about the use of technology within the classroom, and uses it to support her while teaching geography and history in the classroom. 

photo and bio for Early Years practitioner Jess Mooney

What are we discussing?

Together, we dig into tech for good, and how technology can be used positively both in and out of the classroom. Whether you're a parent or a practitioner, we've got heaps of helpful tips and suggestions to inspire you!

How do I listen?

Simply click on the button below to tune in! You don’t have to do anything else - no downloads, no registration. Put that kettle on and get ready for some staffroom chat from the comfort of your home.

Listen now!

How do I get involved? 

If you’re interested in hosting a podcast episode at your setting, or remotely please get in touch with our team: steph@easypeasyapp.com. You can also follow the early years conversation on social media #StaffRoomSteph.  Join our community of over 35,000 practitioners, families and experts to discover, create, play and share learning activities! Sign-up here to start your journey.

While you’re here

Supporting parents is our mission 😎  And we’re super excited to have launched our new IOS app - it’s ready for you to download

Yep, we're on a mission to help you thrive. For us, thriving means parents equipped with the ideas and support needed for daily life with kids. Our app is full of  ideas to help you in meltdown moments or hacks to bring the play back to brushing teeth, getting dressed and more. 

Until the end of June, we’re giving all parents the opportunity to use our app for FREE! 

Download now!

smiling baby lying on a fluffy pillow